

エキスパートじゃないので正確にはわかりませんが一般には、冠詞の省略される一定のパターンがあるような印象があります。よく私が直に見る例だと、たとえば"an expression of type Int"や"Variable x is bound in ..."のような。「冠詞 省略」でググるといろいろとあるみたいです。

kind ofに限って言えば、手元にあるLDCEには

In very informal speech kind of and sort of are sometimes used without any particular meaning: He sort of came up to me and pushed me. So I kind of hit him in the face. This is not considered to be good English.


Sentences like: Those kind/sort of questions are very difficult are common in speech but are thought by teachers to be incorrect. In writing it is better to use this form: That kind/sort of question is very difficult, or: Questions of that kind/sort are very difficult.
