
Attention SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT communities:

This June, the Third ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference (www.acm.org/sigplan/hopl) will take place in San Diego at FCRC 2007 (www.acm.org/fcrc ). HOPL-III will cover the last 15 years of programming language development. The HOPL III programming languages can be broadly categorized into five classes (or paradigms): Object-Oriented (Modula-2, Oberon, C++, Self, Emerald, and BETA), Functional (Haskell), Scripting (AppleScript, Lua), Reactive (Erlang, StateCharts), and Parallel (ZPL, High Performance Fortran). Each HOPL-III paper describes the perspective of the creators of the language. Hence it is important to understand the context of each programming paradigm during the same period.

We would like the community to help us create a broad overview of each of those paradigms, so that we can better document the contexts in which each of these languages grew. We are using the Wikipedia HOPL article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HOPL for this purpose. We encourage you to read and contribute to these overviews.

Barbara Ryder and Brent Hailpern, HOPL co-Chairs