今日の英語:not A or B


共謀罪自体の是非はさておき、英語の"not A or B"が(例外はあれど原則として)「AでもBでもない」(neither A nor B)なのは中学で習う初歩じゃないかと思った。外務省仮訳が誤訳だったというのもさることながら(自分では確認していませんし、いずれにせよあくまで仮訳なわけですが)、さんざん批判していた人々(⊇マスコミ\保坂議員周辺)のだれも原文を確認しなかった、ということでしょうか?? いくら文書が分厚くても、国会の審議で根拠として引用されていたなら、そこだけ読むのは「二日がかり」どころか一瞬なのに…。すでに有名になってしまったので検証しづらいですが、少なくとも今ならド素人の自分でも"united nations organized crime"とか"conspiracy"とか、ちょっと検索すれば1分で見つかります(22ページ51項)。ずっと議論していた人々なら最初から簡単にチェックできたんじゃないでしょうか。







(1) An individual -
(a) Who is a resident of a Contracting State at the beginning of his visit to the other Contracting State, or
(b) Who was, immediately before receiving the invitation referred to below, exempt from tax in that other Contracting State under paragraph (1) (a) of Article 20,
and who, at the invitation of the Government of that other Contracting State or of a university or other accredited educational institution situated in that other Contracting State, is temporarily present in that other Contracting State for the primary purpose of teaching or engaging in research, or both, at a university or other accredited educational institution shall be exempt from tax by that other Contracting State on his income from personal services for teaching or research at such university or educational institution, for a period not exceeding two years from the date of his arrival or the date he completed the study, training, or research in that other Contracting State with respect to which the exemption in paragraph (1) (a) of Article 20 applied.
